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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

DJ Granny Bumpin Beats at age 69

I don't know what's funnier: watching Granny tearing up the tables and bumpin' beats... or listening to this story being told in a proper British accent. ("Ruth Flowers pumping out massive tunes, blinged up for all to see.")

Granny's sure got game though. Gotta give her some respect. I hope I’m still rockin like her when I’m that age. (I just hope all the strobe lights and loud noises don't send her into a massive seizure or heart attack). Check her out at mamyrock.com. No, really.

Go Granny Go!!


McCleezy said...

I think I'm in love... I wanna put on a show with her as my DJ so bad... Senor Fresh, make it happen.

Señor Money Clip said...

shes based out of Paris.. you ready to take your shit overseas McCleezy?

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