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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Daily Dudes: 'Jesus Christ' Water Walkers

"Liquid Mountaineering is a new sport which is attempting to achieve what man has tried to do for centuries: walk on water. Or to be more precise: running on water. We are developing the sport from scratch. By accident we found out that with the right water repellent equipment you can run across bodies of water, just like a stone skimming the surface. http://www.liquidmountaineering.blogspot.com . "
The Portuguese? Really? My first thought when I heard dudes were trying to walk on water led me to believe the asians were at it again. It sounds like some shit that would be attempted on Spike's "Most Extreme Elimination Challenge" show. Crazy thing about this is, these guys actually are walking on water. Not as impressive as the Jesus Christ Lizard, but they're definitely giving the little reptile a run for his money.  
Apparently it's all about technique though and not all about the water repellant shoes...? If all it really takes is approaching the water at a slight angle and pop-pop-poppin' those happy feet across the surface of the water, I'd love to see Usain Bolt walk the fuck over some H20.
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