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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Sam Adams "Rocked This Crowd, All Damn Night"

For any and all of you who failed to scoop a ticket to one of stops of the first ever Stoolapalooza tour...PITY THE FOOL!  Sam Adams and the Barstool absolutely rocked every venue they touched down on.  Providence, check.  New Haven, check. URI, check.  Umass, check.  Boston, check.  UNH, check.  Packed the fuck out of every venue Sam killed the crowds with the help of EP and the rest of the gang. Barstool smokeshows were dyking it out like Discovery Channel shit right on stage. I'm almost pissed I only dropped in for Boston and UNH, because those were crazy as hell and I can only imagine what the rest of the tour was like.  Shouts out to Sam, Alex, EP (especially for keeping up with the college kids), the WAYYY movement, and everyone else who put this together, can't wait for Stoolapalooza round dos...

Pictures courtesy of Billy Korecki of Calmovita Photography, who was able to get it in and snap some professional shots at the Dise in Boston to share with us and our freshy followers.  For full album, check out Calmovita's FB album and take a look at some of his other work at his Official Website.  You can also follow our dude on Twitter.  

Videos and more pictures after the break...

"Fuck-The-Scope" Chant


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