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Thursday, May 13, 2010

Lindsay Lohan to Play Porn Star in Upcoming Film

MSN Entertainment - One of the producers for the upcoming film "Inferno" has confirmed that Lindsay Lohan will play '70s porn star Linda Lovelace in the movie, the Los Angeles Times reported on Tuesday.

"Inferno" producer Wali Razaqi told the Times that an announcement will be made at the Cannes Film Festival later in the month and that Lohan might appear at the event to be part of the announcement.

"We've all thought that Lindsay would be a great choice for a while now, and we're all convinced that she is going to do it," Razaqi told the Times. "For at least a year, the director (Matthew Wilder) and I have gone back and forth imagining how awesome of a performance she could give if she was in the movie."

So, Lindsay Lohan is going to play a porn star on the big screen. Seems about right, no? It looks like she has finally realized her potential (or lack there of). To me, the best part of this story is the producer’s comments:
"Lindsay would be a great choice."

"Imagine how awesome of a performance she could give."

Congratulations, Lindsay. The producer thinks you would make a great whore. Sadly, that’s probably the best compliment you can give Lindsay Lohan right now: You’d be a great whore. Well, other than maybe: it’s impressive that you’ve managed to not die of a drug overdose yet. Not sure which comment is more fitting, but either one is the perfect indication of some excellent life decisions, don't you think?


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