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"Louis Vuitton modelin, pornographic actress honorin , String theory ponderin, bullimic vomitin', Catholic priest fondlin, pre-emptive bombin and Osama and no bombin them"- LUPE

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Thursday, May 20, 2010

Daily Dip: Stacey "Fergie" Ferguson

Alright alright, before everyone jumps on my ass to smash me for dipping Miss Fergalicious, take a look at her body while you listen to this song before.  Typically we try to introduce new honey dips to the scene here at F2DD, but I felt obligated to show Fergie some love. Sure her face has seen better days and she might be hotter if she swapped heads with Will.I.Am, but thats all irrelevant.  Fergie packs enough honey in her chest and glutes, that she could have a donkey head and I'd still have the balls to dip her.  Can't argue that body.  Oh yeah, and she sings, so screw anyone who knocks me.  
"Down Like That"- T.I. ft. Fergie & Will.I.Am: Download


Anonymous said...

very disappointing today senor fresh

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