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"Louis Vuitton modelin, pornographic actress honorin , String theory ponderin, bullimic vomitin', Catholic priest fondlin, pre-emptive bombin and Osama and no bombin them"- LUPE

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Friday, May 14, 2010

fuck you jeremy jacobs

The more I think about it the happier I am. Jeremy Jacobs is a fucking cheap bastard who never paid for players. Now that we have a salary cap it gives him the right to have a good team? Fuck that. Boston is about championships and Jacobs isn't. I hope he dies and then rots in hell. Go chill in Buffalo dude, you piece of shit. Continue to show your face once a year.

PS- I have multiple beers to chug so no time to post a picture. FUCK THAT SHIT.


Kevin said...

I am happy you have seen the light my friend. I grew up watching this team and dying every spring with them. I have not bought a ticket nor bought a piece of merchandise for the Bruins in at least 6 or 7 years despite having grown up with this team. I even avoid concerts or Celtics games at that venue in fear of putting another dime in Jacobs pocket. I had enough years ago. I'm glad you've discovered the conclusion I came to a long time ago. I hope sincerely that the Stanley Cup never comes to Boston under the Jacobs name. To see the Cup tainted with the fecal matter that is the Jacobs name would be an abomination. Boston and every single hockey fan in the city and all of New England deserves better. This is one fan thats been lost for years. I hope thousands more join me. Until the Bruins play to an empty house every night, nothing will change. STOP BUYING TICKETS! STOP MAKING THIS TEAM PROFITABLE! FORCE THIS TEAM TO BE SOLD! It is entirely within the hands of the fans to force change. You can exact revenge for the decades of embarassment! It is within your power to do so if you care at all about the Boston Bruins. Fight with your wallets! Spend your hard earned on anything else worthwhile! Never give Delaware North or Jeremy Jacobs another cent! Its the only way.

Anonymous said...

Well done JJ-now you don't have to worry about your pansie no heart time f-ing up your tee-time. Don't shank your drive you cheap jackass.

Anonymous said...

amen kevin, good stuff

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