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Monday, May 17, 2010

Sanda Crowned "Soul Survivor", Parvarti Still Hot As Hell

(Left to Right: Parvati "I should do Playboy" Shallow, Russell "killer bald spot" Hantz, Sanda "Family first" Diaz-Twine)

"Soul Survivor"- Jeezy ft. Akon: Download

So for all you Survivor Junkies, honesty prevailed in the 20th season of CBS's hit show, while Sanda scooped the check
for a milli, while Russell is still busy getting arrested for battery, and Parvati is looking like the Honey Dip we once tagged her as. Quite honestly I considered cutting my ties with Survivor after Boston Rob got voted off earlier this season, but then I came to my senses and realized there was just too much booty to give it up. So to you Parvarti Shallow, you can thank youself for keeping up CBS' Neilson ratings, even after the dips started dropping.

If you're interested in checking out more Survivor Hotties, hit up
Coed Magazine's "Survivor Babe's: the Real All-Stars" spot. 

P.S. Props to Sandra for burning Russell's sacred robin hood hat on the last day...


Anonymous said...

how bout parvati boy tits

Señor Fresh said...

i hope ur "boy tits" aren't that big. "Man boobs", well that's acceptable

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